Letter To Home – Teen Aid Presentation

Dear Parents/Guardians, Eagleview Middle School is having Teen Aid presenters coming in to the school on November 28, 29, 30, and Dec 1, They will be doing classroom presentations. Grade 6 – Who Am I? The goal of this presentation is to encourage kids to take responsibility for their choices, considering all parts of themselves.Continue reading “Letter To Home – Teen Aid Presentation”

School Closure Notice – Nov 15th 2023

Notice: To All Schools Greetings, there was an emergency meeting with Health, Education and Leadership. It has been noticed that our community is going through a strain of influenza/and other related illnesses. Many recommendation were suggested. However, It is recommended by leadership that our schools be closed from, Thursday November 16th, to Tuesday, November 21st, 2023.Continue reading “School Closure Notice – Nov 15th 2023”

Letter To Home 11-08-2022

Dear Parents and Guardians, Tanisi, this is a reminder for Parents and Guardians about some upcoming important dates in November. November 10 – First Nation Unity Day- No SchoolNovember 11 – Remembrance Day- No SchoolNovember 15 & 16 – Parent/Teacher Interviews 4-7pmNovember 14-21 – Scholastic Book Fair During Parent/Teacher Interviews, for each report card thatContinue reading “Letter To Home 11-08-2022”