
Eagleview Middle School


  • Vaping PSA

    Please take a couple minutes out of your day to watch the video below and go over the reading with your child about the negative cause and effects of vaping.

  • School Closure Notice – Nov 15th 2023

    Notice: To All Schools Greetings, there was an emergency meeting with Health, Education and Leadership. It has been noticed that our community is going through a strain of influenza/and other related illnesses. Many recommendation were suggested. However, It is recommended by leadership that our schools be closed from, Thursday November 16th, to Tuesday, November 21st, 2023.Continue…

  • November 2023 Newsletter

    November 2, 2023, Tanisi Parents/ Guardians: Welcome to November! We have lots of exciting events happening this month at Kihewosapiwin. We are sending home a calendar with many of the events listed. November 13 – 17 is Celebration of Learning Week. We are taking this time to showcase our students learning. We will have aContinue…