Tanisi, Welcome to Eagleview School. It is with great excitement and enthusiasm that we start the school year. We look forward to this new school year full of hope and promise that each and every child will be successful and be productive members of the Eagleview family. We as educators will need your help andContinue reading “Principal’s Message 09-01-2022”
Category Archives: Principal’s Message
Principal’s Message 05-06-22
Dear Parents/Guardians: This is to inform you of some important events happening in the upcoming week. Monday May 9th Eagleview will be having a muffin morning for all parents/guardians from 9:30 to 11:00 Tuesday May 10th – Track and Field at Eagleview Wednesday May 11th – School PowWow at Heritage Park. The buses will beContinue reading “Principal’s Message 05-06-22”
Principal’s Message 03-18-22
March 18th, 2022 Dear Parents/Guardians The students at Eagleview will be going skating at the arena next week. I have included a copy of the schedule for the skating. Students will be bussed to the arena for their times. If your child has skates and a helmet they may bring them to the school. PleaseContinue reading “Principal’s Message 03-18-22”
Principal’s Message 03-10-2022
Dear Parents/Guardian We are writing to inform you that some of the restrictions in the school have been changed. All students will have recesses and lunch at the same time. Students will still be required to wear their mask in the hallways and busses. They may remove them in the classroom, but that is upContinue reading “Principal’s Message 03-10-2022”
Principal’s Message 02-18-22
Dear Parents/ Guardians: Tanisi, There will be no school for students next week. Students will be returning on February 28th 2022. This is the day we will be recognizing as Pink Shirt Day, anti- bullying, and promoting kindness. We would also like to inform you of the precautions at Eagleview for our students and staffContinue reading “Principal’s Message 02-18-22”
Principal’s Message 01-26-22
Parents of Eagleview Students, As a precautionary measure, we will be closing Eagleview School for the remainder of the week. School will reopen on Monday, January 31. This closure is due to an increasing number of students at Eagleview who are testing positive for covid. Parents are reminded to monitor their children for covid symptomsContinue reading “Principal’s Message 01-26-22”
Principal’s Message 01-13-22
Good Afternoon Parents, Guardians and Students As per direction by Leadership, Central Admin and the Pandemic Team, Eagleview Middle School is closed to staff and students tomorrow (Friday Jan 14th 2022) and all of next week (January 17th – 21st 2022). Staff are directed to work from home so please check your Google Classroom forContinue reading “Principal’s Message 01-13-22”
Principal’s Message 10-14-21
Welcome to Eagleview School . It is with great excitement and enthusiasmthat we start the school year. We look forward to this new school year full of hopeand promise that each and every child will be successful and be productivemembers of the Eagleview family. We as educators will need your help and partnership as parentsContinue reading “Principal’s Message 10-14-21”