November 2, 2023,
Tanisi Parents/ Guardians:
Welcome to November! We have lots of exciting events happening this month at Kihewosapiwin. We are sending home a calendar with many of the events listed.
November 13 – 17 is Celebration of Learning Week. We are taking this time to showcase our students learning. We will have a display set up at the main entrance with student work on display. Your child’s report card will be available for pick up all week, with extended times on Monday and Thursday from 4- 7. Our book Fair will run that whole week from the Library. When each student’s report card is picked up they will be given a coupon for $10 at the book fair. Parents will be entered to win gifts cards valued at $200, $100, and $50. These draws will be made on Monday and Thursday.
Thursday and Friday, we have a group coming to do presentations “Live Better”, they will be working goal setting and leadership skills with the students. On Thursday evening, they will be providing karaoke in the gym.
NAAW week is November 20 – 24, with presentations planned for the students.
November 28, 29, 30 all students will be scheduled in for presentations with Teen Aide. A letter will be going home closer to the date explaining the presentations.
We look forward to seeing everyone for our Celebration of Learning.
Thank you,