Letter To Home – Jan 10th 2024

January 10, 2024

Tanisi Parents/Guardians:

Welcome to the New Year!!!  We have many events planned for the students in the coming months. We are starting off the new year with Kindness month. Teachers will have “Caught you being kind” cards that they will be handing out to students for random acts of kindness. Also this month we will be having a writing contest with the theme of kindness. Winners will be chosen from each classroom, and overall winner from each grade will receive $100. These writing projects will be due January 30.

We have Motivational Magic here on the 24th, the show is titled 8 Pillars of Character with a focus on respect, responsibility and caring.

Skating is being planned for the students for their regular gym classes this month.

Regular attendance at school is very important. Many students are receiving supports in extra programs like the LLI (levelled literacy intervention) and Math intervention programs. Please send your children to school every day. We have both a breakfast and lunch program for the students.

Some upcoming events are: February Landbased learning

                                                             Science Fair.

                                              March – Theatre group will be performing a play

                                             April – Live different 2 day workshop with students.

Please feel free to drop in and visit at the school.


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