Letter To Home – Teen Aid Presentation

Dear Parents/Guardians,

Eagleview Middle School is having Teen Aid presenters coming in to the school on November 28, 29, 30, and Dec 1, They will be doing classroom presentations.

Grade 6 – Who Am I?
The goal of this presentation is to encourage kids to take responsibility for their choices, considering all parts of themselves. Emotional, Intellectual, Physical, Spiritual and Social. We also touch on the problems of early dating and encourage them to resist peer pressure.

Grade 7 :Fertility Awareness for Boys
:Fertility Awareness for Girls

Separate classes for boys and girls, fertility is explained as an amazing potential that is
developed in the teen years. Besides knowledge of how our reproductive systems work, boys are challenged to make choices that protect their mental and physical health to prepare them for the responsibilities of fatherhood; girls hear about self respect, awareness of social cues and how to develop confidence.

Grade 7: Resisting Sexual Pressure
A Cartoon video is divided into three parts to allow for discussion on topics such as “Why wait?”. “What is real love?”, “How do alcohol and drugs affect our ability to make healthy choices?” and “Do I allow my parents/guardians to support me in my struggles and decisions?”

Grade 8 Step it Up: Setting goals for Chastity.
We talk about how to deal with graphic images in order to guard our minds. A fun component, we give students time to make a list of qualities they would like in a future dating or life partner. We talk about red flags in a relationship, the importance of respect, wrong reasons to date, and choosing healthy boundaries in dating.

If you have any questions regarding these presentations please contact the school at 306 344-2440.

Thank you,

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