Emergency NumbersOL RCMP – 911 or 306-344-5550OL Peacekeepers – 306-344-2042OL Ambulance – 911 or 306-344-5200OL Family Services – 306-344-4747On Call – 306-344-7242Kids Help Line – 1-800-668-6868Text “talk” – 686868OL Healing & Wellness – 306-344-5033On Call – 306-344-7544
Author Archives: admin
May 2023 Reminders
Dear Parents and Guardians, Tanisi, this is a reminder of some upcoming events happening this week. Tuesday, May 9 – Track & Field – All schools will be bussed directly to Eagleview Middle School Wednesday, May 10 – 2 Pm Early Dismissal Thursday, May 11 – Interschool Pow Wow All Schools willContinue reading “May 2023 Reminders”
Eagleview Presents Awina Kiyanew March 27th-31st
Letter To Home 03-13-2023
Good afternoon parents, guardians, and students, OLCN has informed us that they are purchasing jackets for all students attending all schools. This is coming from Jessica Dillon and her programing. A big Ay Hiy to that! With that announcement, we are asking for all registered students to come in and get sized up for aContinue reading “Letter To Home 03-13-2023”
Letter To Home 02-09-2023
Dear Parents and Guardians, Tanisi, this is to inform you that it will be a bus day tomorrow, February 10, 2023, due to an Elder’s funeral. All schools will be open if you wish to drop off your child, please ensure that arrangements are made for 3pm pick up time. Here are some reminders ofContinue reading “Letter To Home 02-09-2023”
Letter To Home 11-08-2022
Dear Parents and Guardians, Tanisi, this is a reminder for Parents and Guardians about some upcoming important dates in November. November 10 – First Nation Unity Day- No SchoolNovember 11 – Remembrance Day- No SchoolNovember 15 & 16 – Parent/Teacher Interviews 4-7pmNovember 14-21 – Scholastic Book Fair During Parent/Teacher Interviews, for each report card thatContinue reading “Letter To Home 11-08-2022”
Letter To Home 10-20-2022
Dear Parents and Guardians Tanisi, this latter is to remind parents and guardians to please send a rock with your child for the school-wide activity tomorrow. Also, a reminder that the Grade 8 Boys Bear Camp is next week. They will be leaving Eagleview at 9:30am Tuesday October 25th 2022. Below is a list ofContinue reading “Letter To Home 10-20-2022”
Letter To Home 10-17-2022
Dear Parents/Guardians, Tanisi, this letter is to inform you of our Land Based Day Camp this week On Harlan Road. Students Will be bussed there daily and need to be prepared to spend the day outdoors. We still be going by grade level each day and will leave the school by 9:30 each morning. TuesdayContinue reading “Letter To Home 10-17-2022”
Letter To Home – 10-04-2022
Dear Parents and Guardians, Tanisi, This is to inform you that it will be a bus day Friday, October 7, 2022 due to an Elders funeral. All schools will be open if you wish to drop off your child, please ensure that arrangements are made for 3pm pick up time. Also, a reminder about ourContinue reading “Letter To Home – 10-04-2022”
Letter To Home 09-23-2022
Dear Parents and Guardians, Tanisi, The Grade 8 Boys Annual Bear Camp that was scheduled for September 26-29, 2022 will be rescheduled to a later date. This is out of respect to the Chocan family on their recent loss. The new date and agenda for the Grade 8 Boys Bear Camp will be posted andContinue reading “Letter To Home 09-23-2022”